3 Key Reasons to Consider Electronic Deadbolt Locks

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If you have been considering improving the safety of your home, you should not overlook upgrading your entry door locks. Outdated locks can cause criminals to be attracted to home invasions. Electronic deadbolt locks are improved versions of traditional deadbolts. A locksmith is a good resource to use to better understand the benefits of choosing electronic models. The following points identify a few reasons they are ideal to install in today's homes.


Children are prone to losing keys. If the lost keys are discovered by certain individuals, they might use them to enter homes. Electronic deadbolts offer parents the option to use a keyless entry for their children. Some of the locks permit remote opening by the parents. This can be further enhanced by cameras at the entry. Older children can be given numerical passcodes to gain entry. A lock can be programmed with more than code. This can make it easy to set new codes when needed if there are concerns about someone else knowing a child's code. A locksmith can explain options to make codes more secure such as not using a child's birthdate as a code. They can also explain options to override a code entry if a child cannot gain access to the home.

Versatile Operation

It is normal to have concerns about unfamiliar technology and whether it will make life easier. There are different types of electronic deadbolts that have different features. This makes it easy for individuals to choose the option(s) that work best for their households. Some models have fingerprint or remote control operations. The benefit of having these options is that they offer security as well as an easy option for locksmiths to replace. These choices for operation can make it easier to keep expensive locks and reduce concerns about lost keys. If there are individuals such as repairmen who need access to a home on a limited basis, the locks can be programmed with temporary access codes, which can be deleted later.

Save Money

The initial cost of electronic deadbolts is likely to be more than installing traditional locks. However, the ease of use of the locks makes them ideal. Homeowners may be less likely to be targets of break-ins when they have quality locks installed. Electronic deadbolts offer the strength of traditional deadbolts but have enhanced security options. This can protect against property losses from thieves. A locksmith can help homeowners understand how warranties differ between locks that they are considering. They can also help with understanding the features that different locks offer.
